Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Birthday Results

My birthday was a good day. No party, per se, but we got together with our neighbors (the husband and I share a birthday, but I think I'm probably old enough to be his mother...ugh!) and had a cookout. It was a lot of fun. The surprise party that I thought might happen - based on Faith's 5-year-old chatting about everything she knows - did not happen, and that was good. We did go out for lunch the next day, and I had the best ice cream dessert I've had in ages! A nice scoop of vanilla (Blue Bell - yum!), covered with toasted coconut and chocolate sauce. Simple, yet scrumptious! I tried it at home tonight and failed miserably. Very soon, they'll know my face at that restaurant, and the dessert will come out automatically.

On another note entirely. I am officially published! Our local newspaper printed an article I wrote, with a request for more! And I submitted a column to a weekly paper in town, and it was printed this week! The Dream is beginning to happen! And yes, I've been talking with exclamation points, too! All week!

Didn't See This Coming!

I thought I would be one of those "let me tell you the funny thing that happened at me/in my vicinity today." Now I've gotta rethink this writing stuff. But I'll just tell you about my fun stuff while I figure out how to begin writing for film. HA!

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Bloggy Details

This probably shouldn't be quite so hard, but I'm having a problem sticking with a template. So I'll continue to work through them until I can live with one!

I took a DreamWeaver class as a continuing education credit and the old adage appears to be true once again - a little knowledge is a dangerous thing! The class just met for 18 total hours over the course of three weeks, so we didn't go extremely in-depth, but I would sure like to practice making templates. Unfortunately, I don't have DreamWeaver at home. So I've decided I need to keep my head down and write.

Why Inspired by Faith?

First, the obvious - I am a daughter of the King of Kings! My faith is being grown - sometimes painfully. Probably our faith is grown the most through painful processes. But I am learning over and over that He is in control. And all the people said...AMEN!

I am also inspired by my 5-year-old daughter, Faith. She is a jewel with a sweet, joyful heart, and spreads her joy wherever she goes! Yeah, I know, I'm supposed to say that as her mom. But REALLY!

For example: my birthday is coming up soon. Very soon. And when did I get to be this old? How in the world did this happen?!?! But I digress. Faith is in Pre-K, and everyone gets a Star Party at school on their birthday. And of course, there are the fun parties where we can invite everyone we know. So for all Faith knows, everyone gets a party EVERY birthday! Which they probably should, and I usually have a party for almost any excuse...but we just moved to our city about 9 months ago, and I kind of had decided to let this one go by more quietly than usual.

So, on Monday this week, Faith invited her teacher and all of her little classmates over to our house this Saturday to celebrate my birthday. She told them each that they can bring "anything they want" as a gift for me. She also invited our new neighbors to our party. There was a little confusion there...How do you exactly uninvite brand new neighbors to a party that isn't actually happening without it sounding, well, rude? Turns out, the husband/daddy of this family shares his birthday with me!! What are the odds??

So we may be having a party, but I don't really know. The wife/mommy suggested a cook-out, but I'm not sure she wasn't just being nice. And Faith keeps telling me that she can't tell me about the surprise for my birthday. Raise your hand if you've smiled and gotten the acting award of the month at your birthday! Aaaannnnnnd, that's all of us.

Anyway, pretty cute daughter of ours. Was it back in February when we had the 100th Day of School? Well, that was the biggest number she had learned to that point. She came home that evening and told me, "Mommy, I love you 100!"

I think that's as much love as there is.

Friday, April 6, 2007

It's Official!

I'm not sure what will fill these pages, but as I've made the resolution to write, this pretty much commits me!